
~~ Mudahnya peluang usaha ~~




1419847472700532415 ETAA  

Untuk itu awali tahun baru Anda dengan berwirausaha dan kembangkan bakat kewirausahaan Anda dengan bergabung bersama


~~SUSU KAMBING ETAWA BUBUK Ijin Edar LPPOM 12040002041209 E.A.P Teknologi BPTP YOGYAKARTA ~~

Halal MUI

Ibu Eri Sulistyowati Telp/sms 089651095115 Pin 28823f03


  1. Bisnis paling menjanjikan dengan laba 100% milik sendiri tentunya akan sangat menarik untuk dijalani. ~~ SUSU KAMBING ETAWA BUBUK ~~
  2. sebuah usaha kemitraan yaitu ~~ SUSU KAMBING ETAWA BUBUK ~~
  3. membuka sebuah penawaran paling hot di Awal tahun 2015 yaitu paket kerjasama kemitraan dengan anggaran biaya @20.000 /kotak' (partai ecer) Untuk grosir bisa MendapatkanHarga hingga @15.000 WOOOW dengan mendapatkan benefir semua kelengkapan usaha.
  4. Anda bisa langsung usaha ~~ SUSU KAMBING ETAWA BUBUK ~~ dengan investasi yang ringan.
  5. Pada tahun 2015 banyak diprediksi bahwa usaha ~~ SUSU KAMBING ETAWA BUBUK ~~ masih sangat menjanjikan.
  6. Disamping pangsa pasar yang luas jenis usaha ~~ SUSU KAMBING ETAWA BUBUK ~~ juga banyak diminati. Konsumen yang tiada habisnya akan banyak menyedot perhatian bagi pemilik investasi.
  7. Untuk itu jangan buang kesempatan ini, mari segera bergabung bersama kami dan rasakan sendiri manfaat laba untuk Anda.

Tunggu apalagi, ambil telepon Anda dan hubungi kami melalui sms,bbm maupun email Jika Anda masih ragu, konsultasikan dahulu dengan kami dan akan kami jelaskan mekanismenya. Proses yang sangat mudah dan tidak berbelit-belit akan memudahkan Anda dalam menjalani usaha ini. Kami tunggu Anda sekarang untuk bermitra bersama kami dan semoga kita biosa menjadi mitra bisnis yang saling menguntungkan. Koperasi Etawa Mulya didirikan pada 24 November 1999 Pada bulan Januari 2011 Koperasi Etawa Mulya berganti nama menjadi Etawa Agro Prima. Etawa Agro Prima terletak di Yogyakarta. Agro Prima merupakan pencetus usaha pengolahan susu yang pertama kali di Dusun Kemirikebo. Usaha dimulai dari perkumpulan ibu-ibu yang berjumlah 7 orang berawal dari binaan Balai Penelitian dan Teknologi Pangan (BPTP) Yogyakarta untuk mendirikan usaha pengolahan produk berbahan susu kambing. Sebelum didirikannya usaha pengolahan susu ini, mulanya kelompok ibu-ibu ini hanya memasok susu kambing keluar daerah. Tenaga kerja yang dimiliki kurang lebih berjumlah 35 orang yang sebagian besar adalah wanita. Etawa Agro Prima membantu perekonomian warga dengan mempekerjakan penduduk di Kemirikebo.

~~ Mudahnya peluang usaha ~~


Ibu Eri Sulistyowati Telp/sms 089651095115 Pin 28823f03

~~ PELUANG USAHA 2015 ~~


Agent – do not disturb & more 1.3.5 - free game download tablet

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Agent – do not disturb & more 1.3.5

 Current Version: 1.3.5
Requires Android: 4.0 and up
Category: Tools
v1.3.5 update:
-Button to share your parking location!
-Persistent Notification option, synced with agent activation
-Ability to pause and restart Sleep and Meeting agents from the notification
-NEW PERMISSION: Working on a feature that tells you if someone is busy when you call them. We are NOT routing any calls, just using the “Outgoing Call” event to show you if someone is busy.
-Button to manually stop and start agents!
-Option to play a sound when an agent starts
Agent is a must have app for any Android user and gives you these essential missing features for your smartphone: automatic battery saving, drive, meeting, and sleep modes!
★Featured as one of TechCrunch’s best apps of 2013!★
★Watch us on CBS’ Good Day Show as App of the Week!★
Agent automatically saves your battery, silences your phone during meetings, remembers where you’ve parked, auto-responds when you’re driving and allows only urgent calls and messages through when you’re sleeping.
What users are saying:
“Before finding this app, I had 3 other apps that each did only part of what this app does altogether!”
“This is perfect. It’s simple, elegant and works perfectly without fail. Great job.”
“Awesome functionality! I highly recommend! This app is so cool. You’ve got to get it and see for yourself. It handles the things that are normally hassles so you don’t have to fuss with it. It just works and puts your phone to work for you!”
“When I get in the car, it handles my texts and reads incoming ones aloud. When I’m in bed asleep, it knows to screen my calls. I love this app!”
“Agent is different. It worked perfectly first time, with almost no setup. This is a must have app for me.”
Find us on twitter:
★ Drive Agent is triggered by bluetooth and motion sensing (activity detection). It can be configured to read SMS messages aloud, respond with voice, auto respond to texters and callers to let them know you’re driving (editable message) & only respond to your own hand-picked list
★ Battery Agent triggers at a percentage you choose. It helps conserve battery by giving you the option to turn off bluetooth, dim your screen and reverts back to normal settings automatically when you charge your phone. Will also let you know how much battery it saved you.
★ Parking Agent remembers where you parked, based off your speed or bluetooth connection. Will remember your last five parking spots
★Meeting Agent syncs with your calendar to silence/ put your phone on vibrate when you don’t want to be disturbed. It can be configured to activate for busy events only, gives you the ability to specify your working week so that it only syncs with your calendar on days and times you prefer, works with shared calendars and auto responds to selected contacts during these “busy” events.
★ Sleep Agent will silence your phone automatically when you go to sleep. You can configure sleep times for different days of the week, minutes of inactivity before activating, auto response to selected callers and texters during your sleeping hours, list of contacts that can wake you & Bluetooth, autosync, wifi and mobile data deactivation.
App Permissions Explanation:
-NEW Reroute outgoing calls: For our new status sharing feature which will be released in the next few weeks. we won’t actually re-route calls but users have the option to have a notification pop up if you call another agent user and they are in a meeting or sleeping (ie one of the agent states are active). You will both have the option to opt into this status sharing feature.
- Send SMS: We use this when auto-responding to texts whilst you are driving (if selected), or when you are sleeping for emergencies.
- Read SMS: When driving Agent will read out your text messages to you to prevent distraction. We don’t know the contents of any messages.
- Read Contacts: This is so that the app can determine whether a contact is in your address book or not (an option for who is allowed to contact you when busy)
- Precise Location: Parking Agent requires this to store your parking location.
Finally, build customized Agents with our free Trigger app! Available for download on Google Play Store:

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